It has been so long since the last time i post anything on this blog. I'm really sorry because i couldn't find any slot for me to blog for wow or any other blog. Right now it's holiday and I am gonna spend some really good time for quality wow leveling guide post especially for death knight leveling guide. This is a bit late, but not really late for death knight guide since wotlk has been launched officially on last November 13. Well, this is the real good death knight guide and i have been through all these guides, some only scan through. Well, enjoyed the list! Cheers!
Introduction to dearthz knightFirstly, if you are continuing for the list below, you might want to know, briefly about death knight first if you are total newb to dk and wotlk. DK is available for player who have char that above lvl 55 in their account. Don't gets your hopes high yet since players are restricted to only one death knight char per realm. A new death knight char will start at a place called Acherus: The Ebon Hold, a citadel which is located above Eastern Plagueland, floating. And this area is only accessiable to death knight (you bet).
For a kick start, a new death knight char gets this following item, a set of uncommon gear (who said blue?), 4x Deathweave Bag (12 slot), 270 Artisan First Aid Skill and Expert Riding. A area-wide buff (Undying Resolve) also casted on you every 10 minutes to resurrect you, in case you died.
So, whats so special about death knight? Yeah right, you got to access ebon hold. But there is more actualy and this is why so many people want to reroll their char as a death knight. Dk got a very unique quest and set of story line and cool spells. And when a death knight finish the area, they will leave the starting zone with rare quality set of gear, epic land mount and all flightpoint available for Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdom. See? Now you get it.
Ok, lets 1, 2, GO!1. Jame's Death Knight Guide - well the best i read so far, aside from any premium guide (joana u say?). Horde guide and alliance guide in separate guide.
3. Reave.com Death Knight Guide - Now this is really simple guide, with a map labelling the location of person or anything related to your quest. Simple and you might get lost.
Premium GuidesFor now, there are two premium guides for wotlk, and it is joana's horde guide and zygor's alliance guide.
Joana's Horde Wow Leveling Guide2.
Zygor's Alliances Wow Leveling Guide.Why bother with premium (yes, it mean NOT free), when you can get those real good guide listed above? Well, the answer is up to you. For casual player, i think it is enough playing just, freely. Go anywhere you want, questing, grinding, asking people when you got lost. Games is for fun anyway. Average player might want to look for online free guide to help with anything the stuck while gaming. For serious gamers, you might want to get a copy of this premium guides, since it told you the most important thing to do, fastest way to level up and do quest. Well if you don't mind lagg behind other players, you can always use free guide online. It is free and good anyway. Cheers!