Rogue Guide at WOW Forum
General information:
Ultimate Rogue Guide - Part 1 - Starting Out
Starting your Rogue and Leveling
Ultimate Rogue Guide - Part 2 - Advanced
Advanced Rogue Techniques and Info
A Primer on Rogue Talents
A detailed guide to Rogue talents.
Class Guides:
Raid Boss Rogue Strategy Guide
Helpful guide if you are about to raid as a Rogue
Rogue Talent Build Guide
A list of builds for every occasion
Newbie Rogue Pointers
A general guide on choosing the right spec and improving DPS
Assassination specific guides:
Subtlety specific guides:
Hemo DPS Higher than Full Combat for Raids
A thread containing detailed discussion on creating a high Raid DPS Hemorrhage build
THE Hemo Thread
An all encompassing thread debating the pros and cons of Hemorrhage builds in both PvE and PvP
Combat specific guides:
Gearing your Rogue at 70
Karazhan and beyond
How to Gem & Enchant yourself for raids.
This is all aimed for people that are either starting out raiding or getting prepared for SSC/TK
Rogue Twinking Guide for 2.3
A guide to gear and enchants for rogue twinks.
Macros and Add-ons:
The Rogue UI Thread
Share your Rogue UI with other players
The Rogue UI Thread - Continued
Share your Rogue UI with other players
List of Rogue movies
These are the better known Rogue movies.
Zarhon teeches you to play rogz!
Rogz are rly fun to play. They can go invizible lolz!
Other Great Places for Rogue!
Rogue Spot - great spot for leveling rogue and end game rogue, from grinding guide to pvp guide.
Shadow Panther - very analytica rogue site with numerous chart, article and strategies. Provide very detailed information on part such as armor, dps and weapons for rogues.
Rogue Guide on Top Ten Hammer - Great guide for newbie in rogue and beginners. General talk of rogue on all aspects.
hey dude cool site man check out my one
hi~ just wake by, you have a nice site, will come back soon
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